Bhuwan Chaitya Basundhara Foundation announces prizes

The Bhuwan Chaitya Basundhara Foundation has announced the names of different personalities for the prizes presented by the Foundation every year.

Chairperson of Foundation Bhuwan Thapa Chand said that senior artist Nir Shah would be prized with ‘Harish-Bhuwan Chand Prize, 2079’, actor Shiva Shrestha with ‘Chaityadevi Prize 2079’ and actor Sharmila Malla with ‘Chet Narayan-Basundhara Bhusal Prize, 2079’.

With prizes would be given away by organizing an event within this month, Chand said.
The amount of the prizes carries Rs 51,000 each.

Established five years ago, the Foundation offers prizes every year to those making contributions to the country’s arts and literature, culture, entertainment, music and social service sectors.

Likewise, that senior artist Yadav Kharel is named for ‘Harish-Bhuwan Chand Prize, 2078’, musician Ganesh Rasik for ‘Chaityadevi Prize 2078’ and actor Mithila Sharma for ‘Chet Narayan-Basundhara Bhusal Prize, 2078’, according to Chand.



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